
The day music disappeared
The intriguing tale of how all had to adjust to a strange new world It’s easy to forget the impact it had at the time. Writing this in the middle of the global coronavirus pandemic, the upset and panic... read more »

The power of ch-ch-changes
Five great life lessons from David Bowie Following David Bowie's death in 2016, I created a presentation which I delivered as a 20-minute ‘4Sight’ about the man and his music at various 4Networking meetings around the UK. It started... read more »

Year of the book
When thinking about a structure to a book or even planning a series of blog posts, my view is that 12 is a sweet-spot number to aim at. 12 chapters to your book. You may end up with more, or possibly less,... read more »

What to write about
Stay at home and start writing “I keep six honest serving men (they taught me all I knew); their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who.” Rudyard Kipling’s well-known saying, which can be abbreviated... read more »

Start writing now
While self-isolating, start writing In order to produce original written content, you need various conditions to be right. Firstly, you need peace and quiet and a minimum of distractions. Secondly, you need some time to think, to... read more »

The power of the printed book
Using a combination of self-publishing and digital print-on-demand, it’s never been easier or more cost-effective to achieve your ambition of being the author of a printed book. Think of that proud moment – the photo of you holding the book and how much... read more »

2020 resolution - write!
Your 2020 new year’s resolution – write that book OK, here we are, already a week into 2020 and no doubt some of your new year’s resolutions have already gone by the board – how’s that daily exercise target... read more »

Brad Burton's books
The story of Brad Burton’s four books (so far!) is a fantastic example of using business books as an integral part of your brand-building process. Brad published his first book, the wonderfully provocatively titled Get Off Your Arse, in 2009.... read more »

Perfect Christmas gift
A business book is the perfect personalised (Christmas!) business gift This is one way to think about your published book. It has your personalised branding all over the cover and so it can be given to all your key... read more »

Long shelf life
The long shelf life of a business book What is the shelf life of a book? Probably longer than pretty much anything else. The bookshelf is the one that keeps being added to instead of items being constantly replaced.... read more »