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Tag: "Music"

Electronic Music

Electronic Music

My journey through 60 years of electronic music For me, a fascination with electronic music started early. My dad, a keen collector of jazz records, was probably looking for an excuse to go to one of his favourite record shops in Hove - Wicker, Kimber... read more »

Books on music

Books on music

Top 5 tips on seeking out great books on music + a list of recommendations Frank Zappa famously dismissed all writings about music by saying, “Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.” To me, though, far from being... read more »

Movies about music

Movies about music

Continuing my occasional diversion into the world of music, here is a piece looking at great movies about music. This follows on from this being presented as a 4Sight at the 4Networking online Midweek Music group. In this definition, I do NOT include musicals! This... read more »

The day music disappeared

The day music disappeared

The intriguing tale of how all had to adjust to a strange new world It’s easy to forget the impact it had at the time. Writing this in the middle of the global coronavirus pandemic, the upset and panic... read more »

The power of ch-ch-changes

The power of ch-ch-changes

Five great life lessons from David Bowie Following David Bowie's death in 2016, I created a presentation which I delivered as a 20-minute ‘4Sight’ about the man and his music at various 4Networking meetings around the UK. It started... read more »