Book Writing

Films inspiring writing
Why writing about your business should be like a great film Films have always borrowed from books, with many of the most notable and famous films being adaptations of novels or stories – Gone with the Wind, Cabaret and The Remains of the Day are... read more »

The world has changed...
As the benefits of the vaccine programme take effect, it looks like parts of the world, certainly the UK, are edging back towards a more normal life. And yet it won’t just be a question of waking up from a 15-month bad... read more »

Plan your 2021
Making new year’s resolutions is generally an overrated business, as we all know to our cost, looking back at our generally poor record of sticking to them. No? Just me then! However, taking stock at the beginning of the year does make... read more »

Books on music
Top 5 tips on seeking out great books on music + a list of recommendations Frank Zappa famously dismissed all writings about music by saying, “Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.” To me, though, far from being... read more »

Post-Covid writing
As you may have noticed (!), the world has tilted on its axis... permanently. Every assumption we had about life, work and business has been challenged by the pandemic and its effects. It’s not too dramatic to talk about needing to view... read more »

Start your book
How to start writing a non-fiction book For many people, the biggest barrier to writing their first non-fiction book is just the whole prospect of getting started. They never finish because they never in fact start. And the irony... read more »

Year of the book
When thinking about a structure to a book or even planning a series of blog posts, my view is that 12 is a sweet-spot number to aim at. 12 chapters to your book. You may end up with more, or possibly less,... read more »

What to write about
Stay at home and start writing “I keep six honest serving men (they taught me all I knew); their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who.” Rudyard Kipling’s well-known saying, which can be abbreviated... read more »

Start writing now
While self-isolating, start writing In order to produce original written content, you need various conditions to be right. Firstly, you need peace and quiet and a minimum of distractions. Secondly, you need some time to think, to... read more »

The power of the printed book
Using a combination of self-publishing and digital print-on-demand, it’s never been easier or more cost-effective to achieve your ambition of being the author of a printed book. Think of that proud moment – the photo of you holding the book and how much... read more »